Thursday, 17 February 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our ancillary texts aided our main text a lot in reaching our target audience. We produced two poster designs for bringing back hope, our main poster design of the sister (priscilla) and her diary, we decided to use for promotion on billboards, bus stops and buses, as the design was a lot more simpler and universal in the sense that it didn't give too much away about the plot.

For poster design 2, we decided this will be mainly be used for promotion online such as on social networking sites and the official websites, as it was a lot more darker themed, and gives more of an understanding of the plot. The 2nd poster was helpful in promotion amongst the youths as it provided a lot more understanding and drew up a foundation with the main character, as this is the poster she is featured in.

Now with the review it aided a lot in giving opinions on the film and the plot, it contained forms and conventions of other review texts as it was laid out as so. It contained a quote from our audience feedback, and it gave brief detail on the plot also.

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